[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Whats your angle here lol. I was being acused of mafia when I clearly wasn’t, that’s reason to be upset

It’s ironic though

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Maybe you need to chill, I remember you getting acused of mafia and being outraged

In this case it was for a reason that was blatantly untrue

So it makes sense he’d be off-put

My angle is trying to see into your mindset and psychology as a player to get a better read on you.
Now answer my questions.

He’s offline lel

Welp I felt like I was getting somewhere with my questions.

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This is a gross hedge can you give me your Tub read?

noone died


The top one was merely laughing at how it technically was shade

Not implying it was at all intentional

Alright I’ma do a readslist and then shoot probably

Ninja I’m not disappointed anymore

Okay so I think my thought is standing at:
Shoot Ici.
If he flips scum, shoot not Orange/Squid/FK (i.e. shoot Frost/Tub/Soul, would reread ISOs if this comes to it).
If he flips town, shoot Squid.
If he flips town, my reads are screwed once again. Massclaim and decide from there.

Wait Squid is a girl aren’t they? Sorry in advance.

“in advance”

“In advance” of them reading my post. :UU

Are you good with that plan Orange?

eehhhhhhh idk

Nothing sounds bad but it obviously disincludes shooting you

Which I don’t wanna do offhand

Lemme get back home and check stuff out on my PC, gonna build a list of sorts

Orange is typing a essay confirmed

Nah just picking colors lmao