[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Right never mind then.

What do you mean? I can’t answer that as I don’t know what that means.


Music Mash starts in 37 minutes so uhhhh I guess I’ll be gone by then.

Welp with Insanity dead we need to find a new wagon to build

@eevee vc plz

Oh hi Meteoro

Vote Count:

Voted Number Voters
BlueStorm 4 FireKitten, PoisonedSquid, MaximusPrime, Insanity
Luxy 2 Solic, Mercenary
PoisonedSquidd 1 Sam17z
Mercenary 1 Luxy

/vote Luxy
Wasn’t his actual entrance iirc but this is fine

Sir, I am dead.

I had a couple more new votes on me.

Also Insanity ain’t voting me no more

Give me time to eat and read the thread,ping me if needed.(going to out I used a day ability)

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You still don’t have me voting NP!
What is this!?
Do I need to vote 100 times before you put it in or something!?


Begone ghrost

How about something spicy like an Alice wagon?

actually only half joking here, Alice is pinging me and I’m not sure why

I feel like wolf!Alice would’ve interacted more with the wagon earlier tbh

Leaving to return to work

Again, ping me if you want my thoughts on things

Also forgot to mention that due to marcus’ flip, FK is back to null for me.

Boi make me.

I am not fast as you are.

What is spew again

…I am legit bored enough that I might break my promise to tunnel NP.
My current tunnel-targets are NP and BlueStorm.
If you joke any more about starting a third wagon, I will happily join that wagon and kill you during N1.