[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

How do you think we found out you were Reporter

did u ever go into valkyria form?

If I was town like my safeclaim I had a 50% attack dodge. :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like, had I known how damn important my character was lorewise I would have never mentioned abilities, especially the Valkyria stuff

We saw

That didn’t work on dayvigs

We asked



Read the blowout


“I get double hitchance when xyz” was a dead giveaway when my card was the exact same lmao


Hey @eevee once you’re done hosting a gajillion things, could you help me make Wrestling Mafia actually interesting to play with unique and fun mechanics?

@MathBlade what was my town tell you were talking about

You didn’t ask about it?


that explains that

Yes I did

Let me go screencap it for you lol

Hey Eevee CYL 3 results came out today.

for FEH.

I said it doesn’t work on ITAs.

ITAs are not dayviges.



I see I asked the wrong question

I assumed the 50% dodge was inherent to Engineers, having only seen Ninja’s card at the time

but yes

gg all that was fun

can we not have quick topic again

plz never again

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