[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Okay. Then I am gonna verify Kitten at lunch/when I get off work.

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But what if shes the lost wolf and was signalling

I don’t think you would ask again if you were just trying to push attention to Merc, but back off, you’re both town.

  1. If she is indeed made that dumb move as a lost wolf then she’ll do something stupid later. We don’t even know if there is a lost wolf or not.

Did you also miss Alice Marge?

can we have an event pleeease

Solic why are you town?

I’m back for ten minutes cause I’m really busy.

@luxy how confident are you that mercenary is a lost wolf, and where is the quote that implies they are

It’s my curse.

I think this last part sounded weird

And if I said Kitten is scums?

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You don’t think they are both town?

I miss no one

But sometimes being obvious is the best play just so you can say ‘would I really be this obvious as scum’ aand get away.

I am filled with existential dread that merc is scum and has successfully signalled and shes gonna be the reason we have lost aaa

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I don’t know yet, it’s just your last part bothered me

“Back off you are both town”

Not confident they’re LW but am confident they aren’t town

Way too snappy, it feels visceral and weird

Okay so what’s the quote

I would love to know why… :eyes:


I really wish I could do a 9289 IQ play but it’s not happening any soon