[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

It not interest in darcsens,it’s interest in atleast a town knowing FK is legit or not

I’ve caught up but my computer crashed and I lost my entire wall so I guess I’m just gonna tl;dr what I can remember there:
I didn’t like how people acted regarding the Marcus stuff and I felt like nobody cared one bit about trying to solve Marcus’s alignment and instead felt more like they were trying to trap him. Math is most egregious in this respect.
Alice’s posting felt overexplained and artificial but from how people reacted in terms of townreading her for it this is normal meta?
FK felt off but not in an scummy way per se so I definitely buy into this reporter claim from him but he needs to side with us more than just saying token statements and instead out all of what scum’s been saying.
There was some consensus townread that formed around Maxi which I didn’t understand because there wasn’t anything town indicative from him imo.
BlueStorm hasn’t looked at all like the obvious townie I pushed to kill N1 last time and I’m p sure it’s b/c they’re scum.
Geyde’s posting gave me a quite townie soulread but I’m not really sure why.
Orange did a good deal of mindmelding with me early so I’m inclined to townread him but it trailed off ever since his shot (Math on the other hand was the anti-mindmeld with me for a lot of this game).
If Merc is lost wolf I don’t feel like they have the guts to say that lost wolf thing in thread from what I know about them and if scum they’re definitely saying that in the scumchat not thread.
Math said something about the Marcus flip providing a lot of good info and then analyzed literally none of it. @MathBlade What conclusions are you drawing from it?

/vote BlueStorm

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It’s very tempting tbh

Didn’t many people ask you to post about me? :expressionless:

When you say you can see all chats, is that just chats with multiple people or things that people rattle on about in individual class cards?

Not invidual class cards

Each private chat has a quick topic

Any speech patterns from particular characters you might attribute to players?

At this point I’m p sure Blue is Town

Obviously if they are town-aligned chats, don’t out them.

In a game with a known spy, who wouldn’t change this on purpose?

Scum were talking about masking

I saw someone talk like Isaac with noob

Well, FK should perhaps out town-aligned chat members if he believes they’re gonna get MLd soon

Or not because not knowing chat members makes the job harder for scum

Associations go multiple ways

And if the wagon changes naturally, now we’ve given them a starting point

actually one talks like a leader who done this before

The Emperor is basically organizing a lot of stuff


are you allowed to copy paste their messages?

In what kind of format?
