[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Confirming myself is my last resort

I would prefer to be left alone not confirmed so people don’t guess me

Not if the possibility of X being scum is not higher than the possibility of scum getting 2 dayvigs!

His point is that as he hasn’t done anything to expressly confirm himself that isn’t conjecture or something he could have known before gamestart that scum may find it too risky to vote him

I find that unlikely but that’s what he means lol

Except when math flip always solves the game

technically Eevee told me his plan for multiball before the game started so I’m not confirmed yet :slight_smile:

Hm… One problem: You said there was a scum dayvigger. What makes you so sure they can’t fire again?

This is a sunk cost fallacy.

@eevee Votecount please. These need to be more frequent.

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Get the VC bot to work

Now now

There’s a chance math is Town

But even that would honestly free up a lot of wagon space tomorrow so net gain tbh

I don’t at all find that chance likely but it exists

Do I count as a mislynch for wagonomics or

Point me to a scum Frost game, where he didn’t have that vibe, because that’s NAI for Frost.

More or less, scum want you gone more than us

You count as a successful lynch.

…OMGUS. (Wrong use, I know. Still: OMGUS.)
You said scum won’t guess you if you are unconfirmed and you say that you will confirm yourself. This is stupid. OMGUS.

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Overall yes

For wagonomics no

:man_facepalming: zone please stop insulting fire if you can’t even read his posts

The theory is I can win if I’m not confirmed
If I get lynched I lose

So the goal here is to confirm myself at the last second to shift the wagon

…? To which topic/question is this an answer to?