[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

No I’m a penguin.

[ insert PKR chart ]

Merc are you human

Is this an ability?

Fire are you human???

Life is complicated. How do you do charts? We need to keep track of ITA history.

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No I’m a cat


Yes, I am a human.

Try and reverse-engineer it from a vote count

Prove it


Eevee showed that to you as well LOL


Do they just look up stuff and images and just put whatever on the images on there?

They actually use these images to train bots

It keeps websites safe and makes computers smarter


I’m getting shot at. I’m sorry Isaac flipped town

Can y’all not post 1k+ messages when I can’t be here, thanks

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[run ()]

Too easy. Next one.
[print.commander(“am I doing this right master”)]

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Oh damn whoever read Alice was on point