[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Because just the b sent for the first message?

At that point it was either




I went with the only one that makes sense

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Squid and Meteoro coming together to shadethrow my actions is NAGL tbh.

If I remember rightly Meteoro is lock village (killed a wolf), but I can see Squid seeing somebody push a villager and throw shade on that villager to make that person’s argument look better.

nice try

I didn’t kill a wolf(shoot hjasik,other people killed him)
Squid was vanillarized

There are proven to be neutral roles in this game, so vanillaisation proves nothing about Squid’s allignment.

They were leader

Could you please just give me space to breathe?
Because if you constantly shut down every single point I make and constantly insult me I won’t make a single improvement upon the village’s chances of winning.

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Fine, don’t wanna be a Math

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Now could somebody calmly explain why Squid being a claimed leader who has now been vanillaised clears them in a game where neutral goals exist, and importantly, a person’s goal =/= their faction?

Can you explain why an order such as that can neutralize a Neut? What’s the point in doing it?

I think it was because they were vanalized but as well they claimed leader. I feel like if only one federation leader was dead then this wouldn’t have happened and since squid was vanalized it explains why people’s actions failed.

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also I got vanalized at the same time I so I’m slightly biased

Because the wolves don’t know you’re neutral and simply vanillaise you to try and reduce the action cap.

Again, Squid can theoretically be both Federation and Neutral. The fact that the PoE is so tiny should clearly indicate that there are at least a FEW deepwolves here.

Ici can you iso squid?

The PoE is small,just that there is one for shoots,also there is as much 4 more scum counting solic

I’m asking Eevee if being two factions at once is possible, and I suggest everyone else to do the same

I’ve taken a quick scan of it, and I’ve seen nothing that indicates that this is village!squid so far.

@PoisonedSquid no need.


Irene Ellet

The best stories are always in the most dangerous places! *

Faction: Gallia
Class: Other


  1. You cannot be killed via vig shoots / factional kills / ITAs. You have always 0% accuracy when shooting in ITA.
  2. You can read ALL CHATS in the game. You cannot talk in them.
  3. You will peek as a role and flavor of your choice to all investigatives.

Special Mechanic:
Each night each player may decide to guess your identity.
If they are incorect, they die bypassing all protections.
If they are correct, you die bypassing all protections and the guesser will get a 2 cop check OR 2 vig kills for immediate use. (Theirs choice).
In case of many correct guesses - a random winer will be picked.

You know that [censored], [censored] and [censored] are not in the game.

Wincon: Survive to the final 5. You will leave the game victorious when this happens. You will lose if game ends earlier.

Look. The faction is Gallia, meaning the Journalist’s actions are determined by the Gallia leader cap, but the Win condition is Survivor.

Journalist has no actions