[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

VC4 spoiler

The true Kai deserted and became a imperial officer,leena covered him and was also a spy


This is one of the most important characters in vc2, and it was a fakeclaim in the original VCFM

You. Are. Not. Clear.

And the fact you’re struggling so much is making me more and more certain that you care more about your survival than the village win condition.

Oh I understand now continue the argument

it’s like really interesting to sit in the side lines watching what happens and putting comments forth every now and then, I feel like that’s better to play the game to get an understanding of what’s happening

Do you have this info or you got It from a wiki?

Basically, this is the summary that Eevee gave to me in my own words:


The real Kai Schulen is a male who deserted from the army after seeing brutal experiments on kids. My character is actually his sister, pretending to be Kai, named Leena. The real Kai escaped to the Empire and became their main strategist while Leena was quietly reporting to them. After one of her friends got severely injured due to the information that she gave to the Empire, she started to feel guilty and switched sides to the Federation as she tries to convince her brother to do the same


Wiki, I’ve never played the actual games

A huge number of important Gallian characters were wolf fakeclaims in the original VCFM. Based on that precedent, there is NOTHING stopping Eevee from including fakeclaims like that in this one.

Such as you possibly being the real Kai (important federation character who wins with empire).

I just re-read the previous point and it’s actually retard.

But the point about Kai Schulen being a fakeclaim remains valid. The main character being a fakeclaim is so common it’s a cliche in mashes at this point.

What were your abilitys before being vanillanized?

Once again, Kai is a major character in VC4, making them guaranteed to be in this game. Fakeclaiming them is a mass suicide at this point as someone can counterclaim me, but as we all know, that won’t happen

I was able to shoot someone at night and have a 50% chance of killing them

You were given them as a safeclaim. One of the characters listed on your rolecard who you know not to be in the game.

Squid, I refuse to believe you’re this dumb. Seriously.

And I refuse for you to be idiotic in the sense of being so bull-headed in the fact that I’m one of the most important characters in the game. Instead of defense, you throw shade constantly. Hell, why did you shoot Sam instead of me if you think I’m scum?

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Because I hadn’t noticed how fucking wolfy you were before then.


Why shoot Sam instead of confirmed scum solic?

ffs meteoro

Orange do you have popcorn yet?
