[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Time is ticking federation. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I hope you prefer to be on the right side of history. We could have a glorious victory, right now. All you have to do is say yes and deliver me those cowardly Gallians and I will gladly sell out my comrades. Pardon me, while there is still time left.

Let this be a lesson to all to oust this so called “Oracle” mechanic to the dark pits of the netherworld, precisely where I reside or shall I say will reside.

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I’ll give you that much lol


im here now

But you were using your scumchat earlier, no? :roll_eyes:

I see no reason to just ignore me as Town

Like you logged on and then left again

Literally worse than Sam saying no

oh you shot me. I’m sorry if you thought I was ignoring you I got up an hour ago, and I have this open on mobile and I opened chrome to check messages on here and it didn’t show anything in this chat.

But there were pings before you even logged on :thinking:

On mobile, the last message I saw was the one squid did like 11 hours ago. SOmetimes it doesn’t like to update

I don’t believe you :slight_smile:

I’m always on mobile

I’m on my computer now

They’re right

well i don’t know what to tell you. I’m telling the truth, and I will flip town. Don’t worry you won’t die by my hands directly

Its one of the many losses of a 10,000 post thread

But reload enough and it fixes

Not complaining or anything because 10000 post limit was worse than any bugs

I reloaded the tab once, I guess it wasn’t enough

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I have never had this happen

Seriously I have this problem all the time with this forum


Not all the time…

Just this thread… any other bug is super insignificant and not actually that bad