[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

/flips table

You are fools to not have taken me up on my offer. I will see you postgame, where you will regret this moment. This moment where we could have banded together as one in a never foreseen town/mafia alliance.

Or is this truly the last you will see of me. :wink: I might have a little present for you too.

Shit I forgot about this game and i just got up from a nap

I told you,I will ally with you after you out antifed scum

I’ll kill solic

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Oh god, presents are bad if they’re given to you on a day that isn’t a holiday, just return them to the store

You are Minerva right?
Dont do actions tonight or we hit cap

So don’t give anyone a double vote got it

I sent a message to orange that I shalt kill solic


I’m not the host

Does It count as an action?
If so,only me/Max/teenier act tonight for fed

Soul,you are Minerva right?

@Soulshade55r you shoot in-thread lmao

/Shoot Solic


My bad

That was genuinely hilarious

If you die I’ll be super salty

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wtf lol

not me I’ll be laughing tbqh