[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

So you disliked a game?

Oh well, too bad.


I want my Warhammer Drug Dealer back

I want to be a Chaos Mayor again.

Can I piss him off more by posting the fanfic?

Go for it.

Yes… YES! >:)

The Empire were broken up into three chats

Anti-Gallia had me, Solic, and Celeste
Anti-Federation had Alice, Hjasik, and Psychoneirik
Empire Leaders had Solic, Alice, and the Emperor, Firekitten

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We could kill each other’s leaders and steal their troops, so we distrusted the other group


Fire’s role wasn’t clear, so we distrusted him


There was a Spy, so we couldn’t trust the secrecy of our chats


Is that why everyone tried to kill him d1


And we had Celeste, who lied to us so much I don’t even remember all the lies

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I don’t know if she said one truthful thing about her card in our chat

Another Live Worth Saving

A Eevee x Kai Schulen Fanfiction created by PoisonedSquid

Another day, another battle. That was the common motto spoken around the Edinburgh military. This is especially the case with Leena Schulen, under the alias Kai Schulen. Every day, she not only faces battles on a battlefield with her rifle, but she endures a constant mental battle on hope and despair for her brother, the real Kai. Part of Leena wants to keep attempting to get Kai to come back to her side; part of Leena wants Kai to ditch the name, Forseti, and stop harming innocent lives caught in the ongoing war. However, deep down inside, she knows that Forseti will still be there no matter what; Leena knows that she has to wear the name of him to protect his image for everyone including herself.

Today, Kai and the rest of Squad E are going to partake in a battle between some troops from the X-0 military unit hoping to save a local village from their reign. Before doing so, they must practice their skills to minimize potential errors during the upcoming battle. As her own practice, Kai locates to the nearby forest to hunt some animals. Perhaps she can even get some food out of it. A few minutes past when a rabbit approaches. Kai readies her rifle before she shoots directly in the head. She walks up to the body and was about to grab it until she notices a slightly blurry brown blur that looked a little similar to the rabbit she killed. Upon adjusting her eyes towards the blur, the creature’s features become more prominent. It has big ears like a rabbit, but it has a big tail that resembles more like a paintbrush than a cotton ball. There’s also a fluffy collar of fur around its neck like a cute scarf. Wait a minute… this isn’t a rabbit. It’s an Eevee! Kai has heard that Eevees are extremely rare, so having one nearby her is quite a feat. Suddenly, it runs up to her and jumps towards her. Unprepared, Kai falls backwards due to the force of the pounce caused by the Eevee. She lifts her head up and tilts her head towards the side as the Eevee lays on her chest. ‘You know,’ Kai thought, ‘this creature is much cuter up close.’ And her thoughts were right, the Eevee’s fur shines and shimmers without any glitter. Its cute smile warms her heart more by the second. The Eevee gently trots towards Kai’s face and nuzzles it with its nose. Okay, maybe she should take this adorable creature with her to the base to make sure wild animals don’t come up and attack it. Kai picks up the Eevee and places it onto her shoulder as she walks out of the forest. She forgot about bringing back food, but she knows she found something much better.

If this gets flagged again, I’m going to be very mad as there’s no inappropriate content in this post

@eevee What was your reaction to day 1, cause i feel like you were both dying of laughter and smack your hand to your head in disappointment.

I sure was.


In order:
Cult Leader

lmao Soul was minerva

Yeah, psycho had Riley as fakeclaim, since they are both greandiers.

I got two leaders lynched in two days

That’s a big win in my books

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That being said

The Anti-Federation Empire units were literally more harmful than helpful

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Then they got squad-wiped so