[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Ah okay

FK, did you do your Chem homework?


Okay, good Cat you get a cookie :cookie:

Im going to bed

Night yall.

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Noms cookie

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The spirits tremble.

Oh no

My Past sins come for me.

I still don’t understand did I lose

Cuz I feel like I just got played big time

You did teener

@orangeandblack5 you brought him here you got to teach him stuff

I feel like Teener did better then most people here

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As much fun as that was, I’m frustrated by the fact that I couldn’t really play because I didn’t understand the rules. Like I said, I’ve been suspicious of you two for a while, and had this been a game I understood I would have made an effort to kill yall, but I was afraid to bite the hand that fed me, considering if you were to die I would be screwed

However, I’m definitely down for the next one. Next time I won’t be such a pushover :wink:

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There’s a lesson in fm you learn that you shouldn’t care about surviving you should care about calling scum out

Next time you are suspicious of someone no matter how suspicious it will be if they flipped town still call it out

but you still did better then most people here

How so? I was basically a pawn for the mafia nearly the whole game.

You called us out on being town read

already did more then most of the dead town

Eh, I’m just happy I had a good time and was able to learn this new format, now I’ll be able to play for real

Plus now me and @orangeandblack5 can get back to our other Fourm mafia witch I’m very exited about!

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