[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

No he shot Insanity

That’s VC3, may not apply here idk

Still good advice

Huh… Then again, the theme is VC1 + VC4 though.

What kind of post is that? Especially with that link, was it really necessary?

wait really

Who are darcsens?


Speaking of calamity raven…


Wtf is theirs tank.
It looks ridiculous.


The ones in the concentration camps in this game’s version of WW2


Well the two dead town are from VC1, I am from VC1, and the Grenadiers seem to have come from VC4 (and the photo at Post 1)… If anything, I haven’t seen anyone from VC2 yet.

Merc mentioned that darcsens have a chat,so I assumed someone claimed

The Darcsens are Europa’s oldest indigenous race, said to have lived across the continent since ancient times. They are characterized by their dark blue-black hair and shawls or various accessories bearing the traditional Darcsen pattern (Darscen pattern).

No but Zaka flipped

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The race that were discriminated throughout the game.
…more or less the cause of Civil War in VC2.

History tells of a “Darcsen Calamity” in which this race devastated the continent until the Valkyrur defeated them in the War of the Valkyrur. For their crimes of senseless destruction, the Darcsens were stripped of their last names and chased from their jobs and property, and remain the target of hatred and persecution. In actuality, the Darcsens were defeated in the war by the invading Valkyrur, who rewrote history to portray themselves as the heroes and to vilify the Darcsens.

Recent use of Darcsen labor to mine and smelt Ragnite in refinery sites full of pungent oils has given rise to a new set of stereotypes. Many who work with them would describe their Darcsen colleagues variously as “doomy”, “gloomy”, “meek” or “not team-minded”. While some of it may hold true because of their passive nature, many skilled engineers and notable geniuses have come from Darcsens. Possibly the most famous of all is Theimer, whose work on military arms and vehicles has manufactured mechanical marvels ranging from machine guns (like the T-MAG) to tanks and airplanes (such as the Edelweissand the ISARA biplane.)

Despite endless derision and persecution, the Darcsens remain a proud race with a rich, unique culture. Most Darcsens now live in settlements built on the remains of former mining camps such as the Doerfein Mining Quarter, especially near the Diebal Mountains. Some live in big cities such as Randgriz (likely on the outskirts, like Zeri’s family), and some study in prestigious universities and academies such as Lanseal.

Can you NOT SPOIL THE GAME thanks

Oh yeah? Check out Audrey’s Tank from VC2. I may have two-shotted it, but it was still a ridiculous design.

oh damn…

Why would you ask this,It feels too wolfy to be a wolf