[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Oww bee tee dubz, I am actually Tracker, but no need to go after me. I am probably just lying. Aren’t we all entertained.

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I hope this is a joke.

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I expect this from Marg tbh

It is. Sigh.

This is why i trust Marl’s tracker claim over Marg

But isn’t the counter claim more likely to be the real one? I town read marl sure, but it isn’t beyond him to be ballsy and try and get confirmed town lynched.

There are so many bad parts in that post.

1.Saying I will never do that as scum I wouldn’t be that bad.
2.Accusing the accuser of being scum just because he thinks your scum and that you expect better of him when he has a valid point to suspect you.

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But it is Margaret so.You can check this game before reroll too.She claimed citizen as doc when we forced docs to out.

Mafia have selfish win conditions though.

Basically this. Marg is known to fakeclaim and Solic is aware of that. If we PL Marg just for that, odds are that it’ll likely be a mislynch and scum would be the only one to benefit from it.

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It’s almost like your trying to make him backdown by accusing him of being scum.

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I just thought you would have a better read on me by now and I actually think you do, so after I flip citizen, please do go after Sarun.

You know who else fakeclaims? Scum. It is not town/scum indicative if Marg fakeclaims or not and I was/am genuinely frustrated with her way of playing, but threatening a policy lynch and making a policy lynch are different things.

Besides Marg is hardclaiming it way more than the usual fakeclaiming, so there might actually be some chance Marl is not a real Tracker, making it important to find out.

If this is your whole case against Sarun he isn’t getting lynched tbh. Accusing someone of being scum for being wrong is just bad tbh.

You are being overly defensive

Nah I’m not, and nah I’m not advocating we should lynch him based on that. He is just a scum lean for me now, because I don’t think he would say I’m scum for a reason like that if he was a Citizen.

If you don’t want to be read as scum, then don’t do stupid shit like proposing a PL on someone who will likely flip town.

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You still haven’t answered why Marg will likely flip town…

Because fakeclaiming is NAI for her. She does this every damn game.


So it is also not town-indicative, so do not say it is likely that she will flip town, because that is simply misrepresenting your case.

And I know you will say that me pointing out that somebody has done nothing town is something scum does typically lol.