[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

I did
He brought up valid points
especially as someone who doesn’t know margaret well

I have like no time but I’m saying this

His reaction WASNT perfect.

He accused you right away and don’t give me the “get him after me isn’t accusing him” because it basically is. If he was Town and didn’t visit then he should of known that a scum would never claim tracker. That’s a death sentence and doing it D1 is even worse. He instead went into the “When I flip town lynch him” speech and Town wouldn’t use it because they should of known that they didn’t visit and Scum wouldn’t claim tracker. So it must be a bait. Instead of not knowing that he claims you must be scum as he can’t claim doctor.

That was fucking amazing

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Topic of Solic is over
Defend yourself
why did you jump to saying you didn’t visit anyone last night immediately upon being accused

It’s because it’s the quickest way to defend myself when I have 0 time.

this is one hell of a wolfy post
even half-asleep Ici can tell that

/vote Firekitten

“I am town”
“You are wrong”
“This is a lie”
are all quicker

@Htm @margaret @luxy @memesky @PokemonKidRyan the previous post about solic being guilty was a bait
New lynch target is firekitten

/vote Fire

Here you go, I learned Colours!

Sarun - scum lean, Completely excercabated something that can be construed as anti-town to cause a mislynch and also ignored any other players.
orangeandblack5 - null, just naked votes, not much to say really
Solic - It’s a me!
Marluxion - lock town, Tracker claim
htm - null, too few posts
MaximusPrime - null, too few posts
Margaret - scum lean, She is overselling her Tracker claim in my opinion and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an actual gambit.
Firekitten - scum lean, Sheeps onto Sarun’s vote on me. Had a bad reaction to Marl, which I agree with, but if it was no action, he should be pushed later on as it somewhat clears him at least. Shot down a lot of things early on.
Luxy - lock town, Doctor claim
Memesky - scum lean, His “Im serious” comment actually sounds genuine… aagghhhh why.
Captain - lock town, Doctor claim
PokemonKidRyan - town lean, It was weird to immediately claim citizen in his opening, but the frustration that Margaret caused, should only affect people actually trying to scumhunt well more, so I suspect town.
Icibalus - lock town, Doctor claim

I’ll reflect this question back by the way. Who do you think is scum besides me?

Let me try something different. This is going to be interesting.

Who’s your top scum. You have them as scumreads but not levels.

@MaximusPrime my son
send me a cat picture
also vote firekitten

Sarun. What about you, in levels?

I want to make a bold statement

Firekitten is a wolf, and today’s lynch

Solic and Sarun are the same alignment
If one is scum… the other is too

I’m pretty sure it’s town vs town
but Sarun could have attacked Solic and knows solic will flip scum

This is never TvS Imo

I wont kill fk he can help me win lol


According to this I have done more scummier things then Sarun. Why is Sarun your top and not me. I had an awful reaction correct?

I’m tracking you tonight so you wont be able to kill anyone
