[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Then interpret it how you wish.

I donā€™t follow this? What argument are you making? Can you quote posts?

So if I were to be reading you as scummy from your posts right now Solic, would you still be asking me to follow my reads?


Start of d3 - PKR appears dead, and flips cit.
An hour or two later -

This does not follow a valid chronological order.

What do you even expect hereā€¦ This is such a stupid argument. You should re-evaluate them then obviously and I hope youā€™d actually argue why Iā€™d be scum, before everyone sheeps you to my mislynch.

You have played this game more emotionally than i have ever seen you play any game on this site so far

just saying

youā€™re usually seeming calm and collected in your posts
but you arenā€™t this game
idk if itā€™s alignment indicative tho


Honestly, I just hate this setup and I donā€™t like that I have rolled citizen again. I contemplated replacing out two times, but I donā€™t want to ruin the game for others. It feels like only you, Sarun, me and Firekitten are playing this seriously and with Marge, Memesky and Max likely living long, it does not bode well for future days.

This is also after a full jester game, a canned game and 2 rerolls in a row. I know youā€™re going to say self-meta sucks blabla, but I wouldnā€™t play this recklessly as a selfish NK, because that would actually be entertaining.

Also noone sheeps my vote once again, so I honestly feel that citizen me cannot accomplish that much.

Why join if you knew there would be citizens :thinking:

I still donā€™t get it.

I thought Iā€™d be more entertained I guess. I have nothing against citizen if the game is active. There is a clear discrepancy between how the ritual game is being played and this one right now. I donā€™t mean to complain, but you asked for it. :smiley:

The other thing it would be extremely beneficial for a lost wolf to KNOW that they have an ally as consensus town. The PKR kill was a pretty obvious kill however; it dosenā€™t acutally have any leads to the wolf that did it in it

I donā€™t think Solic being more emotionally attatched to this game is Ai; I think that if it says anything about his allingment itā€™s town indicative. I feel like that frustration is genuine and wolves struggle to fake emotions other than agressive anger.

Interesting thing why wolfs still didnā€™t go for prā€™s.Orange said arso would kill all docs.I think maybe orange is arso and giving secret messages to other wolf teams to not go for docs.Just an idea but could be possible.

I thought so too thatā€™s why i didnt attack them

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Main thing that makes this setup painfully townsided is that wolves HAVE to bus in order to win; we should probably get this 7 times out of 10

also iā€™m lock town so i donā€™t have to try (read: deathtunnel anyone)

Why you killed Pkr ?

I thought not trying to read too since i am locktown but that is not fun tho.

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PKR was close to finding anarchist i attacked n1

yes it is
you can just sheep marl until he outs heā€™s deepwolf or some shit

So sarun is anarchist right ?