[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

MaximusPrime / Luxy

These are our 3 wolves imo

I can see it

But of those Iā€™m currently most sold on htm

And theyā€™re not here

/vote Solic.

@MaXiMuSprime Unreplace out youā€™re not getting lynched today

And I havenā€™t exactly isoā€™d him but Sarun was still pinging me

Oww I just wanted to agree with you and say that Max does post like town Max. Well then I guess the game is lost, since everyone will sheep you.

Whoā€™s the gunman then? And donā€™t say Sarun

itā€™s literally just you and orange

you are the only two gunman possibilities - and i can feasibly see either of you shooting pkr

It can literally be so many people. They are either inactive, post nothing of value (Orange) or IT IS SARUN GODDAMMIT!

I literally donā€™t understand why you are townreading him so much.

And honestly I think itā€™s near impossible to distuingish between the 3 scum variantsā€¦

wew lad thatā€™s one scummy iso

between orange and sarun who is more likely and why

To be the mafia gunman or scum in general? Iā€™ll need some time.

Gunman exactly
We know one non-gunman scum is Luxy or Maximus, so

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iā€™ve changed my mind tbh

I respect Maximus too much to not think heā€™s the scum between himself and Luxy here

/vote MaximusPrime

These posts make me doubt that Orange is Arso. It looks like heā€™s signalling more than not.

Wait why is it not Sarun in any situation