[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Or whoever counterclaims him, giving us at least one scum down. So yes, any real Tracker should counterclaim Marl if he is not the actual Tracker.

because the last time i rolled cop i died night 1

cough cult in the jungle republic cough

Because no citizen would ever claim Tracker in this scenarioā€¦ That is what your scenario is relying on.

Like I already set I am the real tracker

I think you are forgetting that some citizens would.

Case and point.

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I donā€™t think Marl would as Citizen.

Either way it saves the tracker one - two nights once a doctor dies if he isnā€™t tracker

Youre probably right but hes not tracker for I am the real tracker

Is this a meme or are you legit counterclaiming? :thinking:

I think he would. As scum he would need to survive to win, so he wouldnā€™t do something so brash.

Im legit counterclaiming my boi

scum caught


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why cant we just roll the same alignment .~.

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Thatā€™s why I think heā€™s actual Tracker, but just in case he is not. I hope actual Tracker would speak upā€¦

I know it hurts so badly ;(

can we get the third tracker to claim please

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Thereā€™s zero reason for them to speak
Up. The scum are going to kill the doctors then they shall kill marl. Even if he is scum both of them.are prob going to attack.

This better not be like ritual mafia, where PKR thought it was a brilliant idea to soft claim inquis, because I am getting vibes like that.

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