[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

i read captain as scum, but i hope he’s arso and kills everyone

He’s one of the outed doc claims…

If you can’t believe it, then lynch me

you do realize mods can read these right

Not unless i don’t claim firefighter bcs i am not ? Why don’t cc any one of us tho ?

And why would i lie about that?

I was one of the people that got prodded for inactivity.

go and angleshoot that you dirty angleshooter


nothing important anyway

still super rude

Repeating the same useless question over and over again, in an attempt to wear the accused out even after they have answered it numerous times. I typically find this type of behavior scum indicative.

And you guys weren’t?

Too salty to care

Where was your PHD in scumreading when we needed it 3 days ago

Don’t have one and never will

so are you going to unreplace out and actually try and prove yourself innocent by finding the scum in the 3 doctors?

I really don’t care whether i’m in this game or not anymore

However, I will continue playing until I find someone who is willing to replace me, if anyone is -_-

all i’m going to say is
if you’re pulling the victim card just to try and draw votes off of you as scum
i’m going to be pretty mad

I mean why it is my fault if you don’t read the posts the game you in and try replace out when you were accused.I don’t see i did anything wrong there.

you haven’t done anything wrong

I never said it was your fault?


Trying to make me look scummy or something??

Actually firefighter but k

that’s why i’ve put the “as scum” at the end