[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

@Blizer @vulgard wow if it isn’t two very handsome young gentleman with great fm history

Memesky is dead in this game, you should totally replace in


Bro, I’m a spectator, I cant



Aren’t we all spectators in the end

Not sure if I can get updated on 1k messages right now if I replace in

Ah heck it

/replace in

I’m going to regret it am I not @Ashe


You’ll have a night phase to catch up anyways.

/unvote wew lad

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I have no idea if Maximus is still playing or not so

Vulgard replaces htm’s slot!

I don’t know if we should be happy that 2 good players are subbing in for possible 2 scum though. :slight_smile:

Wait did I replace into a slot that is being voted?

I saw max replaced out from other games too tho

Nope but still sus one

But almost certainly scum

No, but you are heavily suspected regardless.

You fiend! This was a trap!


It’s also lylo for town tho

Today is the day the bombs go off

Actually possibly Arsonist is an even bigger threat now?

Ill replace ether persons place

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