[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Knowing you, it likely isn’t.

If I had to choose, I would say that it’s Solic

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See Max knows

If we need to kill the gunman today due to Ici’s death, I’d wager it’s in Orange/Solic.

Dude get outta here

I already did like nothing

arsonist would ignite tonight as it is likely their best opportunity and i have only targeted marl

Guess I’ll die
(Aka sleep)
Nobody hammer anyone, let’s use our daytime

You literally can’t be all like “orange why would you vote me over confirmed scum omg” and then advocate hunting for gunman over the confirmed scum

I know all too well

Read the bolded part.

/vote Solic actually hammer this before I sleep

Except we really do


I can give Solic an iso later but I ain’t hammering them before that

@Margaret @Captain @MaximusPrime Solic lynching squad assemble

And why are you so certain I am the gunman despite that you’ve yourself said that Solic is the mafia vig?

When did I say that exactly? :eyes:

You change targets tho

Did Sarun hit Htm/Vulgard’s scum slot and is protecting him now?

/vote Solic

still don’t see why we’re not voting me or luxy but k

The first two posts are from yesterday, the third from today.