[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

When you have two votes on you and have been CC’ing Tracker all game is not the time to “jokingly” CC the Defuser

I don’t care how town I thought you were before that’s just atrocious

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To be fair we did not deserve to win after Maximus waited four days to counterclaim


Yeah I obvs know lol, but some people always say throwing is town is just FPSing

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But Luxy hard slipped so :man_shrugging:


What was the host reaction to the real firefighter not cc’ing?

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I still don’t understand what they did

Town didn’t deserve to win because ______

Here I’ll save you guys the effort of writing it out for each individual reason :^)

But god damn this setup was townsided lmao


Most intense moment for me this game were the last minute CFD’s onto me and then Sarun etc. Marl was driving me crazy with that flipflopping.

My hand fused with my temple by the end of day 1 and it has been stuck there ever since


I was using my scum dousing rods


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And man do they suck lol

fr though Marl

My buddy

My pal

One word


You did fine after you actually started playing tho


Don’t question me

I used all my smart points on coming up with the unloseable Mass claim plan

Don’t question the unloseable part

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No, that’s just you trying to make random tinfoils to try and seem cool

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