[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

He said so in dead chat
He was making a big dick play

Ngl it seems like the blacklisted list is not very strict compared to how much you can do and not get blacklisted

we need a much stricter blacklist list


If he really tried he could have gotten you lynched tho.I think he said bcs he suspected you.

This one here.

Somehow, the fact that I didnā€™t CC his claim actually made his strategy bad and I have no clue how

It still hindered town a lot tho and made us mislynch a couple times

No, it was his slip

Whatā€™d he say?

What did he do I still havenā€™t noticed

His play could have worked out if the thunderdome happened later

even ppl who regularly join and then afk/ragequit when pushed/inactive should be temp blacklisted more often.

I have no hate against them or anything but some people often do it and it starts to affect games. We have enough people who always act well, we donā€™t need them.


totally random ping


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I wish someone would start making that

Oh wait
Thatā€™s my job


Oh did I never explain that?

One sec

What if instead we have a Memesky redemption arc where we turn him into a scum hunting town leading god

How is that possible

Is there someone who was blacklisted from all of fm games ?


make all 3 scum just win if 1 of them wins in this setup and keep the docs the same i would

having no scum wanna cc is kinda silly

Just PKR from my games