[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

My class was great and I’m sad

Since english is not my native language i am doing that kind of mistakes too.

What if we had a class card but translated it into their language so things like this don’t happen again :thinking:

Same, I had a special non-aligned class that could fake any notification I wanted. My original plan was to fake notifications such as attacked/healed and whatnot so I would “mechanically confirm” myself and then start faking notifications such as red checks on players to create chaos.

Maybe having it be more acceptable to allow hosts to blacklist people from their own games is the way forward. Like there are some people I like and have nothing against but I might not like in one of my games due to inactivity/ragequitty/throwing natures.

Blacklists aren’t for personal vendettas against people you dislike, it’s if you think someone’s presence will negatively affect a game enough that it merits them not being in. I think we think of Blacklists as some massive fuck you but it shouldn’t really be.


Or just give everyone’s card in Japanese so everyone is equally confused.


That’s a fair point

4 balance

How will we translate it tho ?

The Power of Anime.

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Goo…wait google is awful at translating


Google translate sure :joy:

Bing translate is actually much better fyi

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I am actually using dictionary for the things i don’t understand

Yours is pretty good too honestly.

Also, kind of funny that Marl basically townread me the entire game, I thought that by n3 he was already onto me so I decided to no action in the end.


Do we even NEED tracker :thinking:

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The tracker here only found the Firefighter, so… mission accomplished?

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Funniest one is Frost cuz at first I didn’t even realise he was non-english as it was so good but he started giving less and less of a shit about it over the year and a half


I’m important
Don’t forget me

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