[FM] Viva la Revolution Reroll - Town Wins!

Imagine if someone would flip Ninja. If it was like you wanted, then Town may think I modconfirmed the presence at least one of them.

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Ik that but you might as well call it a mafia goon

The point wasnā€™t you being One-Man Army or some sort of.

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Wait then you could just claim tracker as mafia and be ā€œconfirmedā€ genius!

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I mean there was a Fruit Vendor that was basically semi-confirmable Visitor, if you know what I mean.

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420/10 strat ~ IGN

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I was tired :frowning:

@Alice I thought you had bombed me but the arso ignited me n2 wow

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I was like ā€˜this game is so town sided so if Iā€™m going down, at least I give a chance to my scumbuddies.ā€™

okay I hate you guys

this is the 2nd time I die as scum because Iā€™m not online

funny how there was no hesitation about quickhammering me :laughing:

Well I donā€™t know what htm couldā€™ve possibly done to make you so eager to hammer me this quickly, me replacing into a game I havenā€™t read kinda backed me into a corner

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Vulgard you hammering me made us lose.


I actually know that and I pointed this out in my role chat

That was a massive mistake

Did you think Luxy was Mafia vigilante Vulg? When you hammered?

Marg wasnā€™t gonna hammer me so we could have gotten away with a no lynch.

Still, an instant hammer in MyLo is something I wasnā€™t quite expecting


Yeah Iā€™m sorry about that

I screwed up when I hammered you

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Wait if you knew why did you do it aaaaaa

Why did you kill me immediately instead of dousing more people?

I didnā€™t read the game, didnā€™t know who was confirmed, and didnā€™t even understand the setup because I replaced in so late