[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

Actions are now locked. If you didn’t pick a political group your political group will be randomized

Alive Members

Chaos Waluigi Enlightened Ones Liberal Democrats FALGSC Homosexual Infant Penitentiary
Icibalus an_gorta_pratai Cantaloupe Min ElectraHeart Blizer
Marluxion cheeki ElithePsycho ClonedCheese
KyoDaz Mistyx Emilia
Leafia Conduit
ATNoName whathaveidone
Amelia Arctic

Political Groups effect your ITAs
You can shoot people from your political group

Actions will take a bit to register and do not talk until I say so. Also fyi Arete is dead lol.

1 Like

Bobby has been summoned


edit: this is an npc


Your flavor brought to you by–

Are you fucking kidding me
Why is this advertisement unskippable


Oko, Thief of Crowns and Eliza have been summoned to the game

edit: these are alts


Arete has been slaughtered. They called it a draw however, and I’ll allow it.

The Black Knight

Black Black Knight

Tis but a scratch (Passive) - You have way too much confidence. We’re talking actually unhealthy amounts. Dude, your arm just blown off. Why are you still trying to ITA me?

Self-Resolving (Day) - Reveal yourself as The Black Knight. - 2 Uses

None Shall Pass! (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s) - Infinite Uses
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If you kill them and they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide. - Infinite Uses, Usable n3 onwards

Defeat all scum present in the game.

Day 2 has started and will end in 48 hours. ITAs will be enabled 1 hour into the day.

:point_right: :point_left:

why does it get 2 uses, that’s strange

Also like please say something nice about our sponsors or we wont get any more.

2-shot IC Knight poggers

oh my god

it’s that fucking meme
well done geyde

what the fuck is going on

does anyone know

That is actually a fucking meme

holy shit


2-shot IC knight is a role that was
actually suggested in #feedback-discuss once


why am i a liberal democrat

like that’s not wrong but why


I need to search it

if you didn’t choose a party, you get it randomly assigned

~ ~ ~

Thou didst not heed my warnings.
Now the panel shall destroy thou.
Take the mercy of a meaningless death rather than succumb to them.

~ ~ ~