[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


Taking over the world makes it easier to eliminate evils. Seriously though, he sounded like a neutral killer.

I am 100% fine over townreading Leafia because of… ahem, we’ll go with how irrational that was

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Slightly disappointed because I genuinely thought we were going to get Marl and Arete back
10-fold trans and two ICs is pretty pogchamp

Is this what you expected to happen, Emelia?

okay i’m going to start playing and doing that gorta case, but before I do
…why does leafia think a cult leader flip makes vul a neutral killer

the gortster
mister trees

I’ve said previously that I think Gorta’s progression on Min is wolf-indicative. And I stand by that assesment. It’s one of two points that point towards him being a wolf, the other being his wackass claim. Both of which have been talked over quite a bit. Gorta thinks I haven’t explained my read on his min progression, a sterling point that has the slight problem that I literally have. his explanation for the progression makes perfect sense but in my opinion the actual way that progression happened was unnaturally accelerated.

The other thing I remember bringing up is a tonal simmilarity to ToS2399. it appears that i fell for one of the classic blunders, which was assuming I’d actually read a game I hosted, which it turns out that I had not. Gorta’s tone that game has a few crucial differences to this game:

  • He was far more precise and polite in his language.
  • He was far more passive-aggresive in that game.

Notice in this game he is far more direct with his frustration, rather than softening the impact to avoid conflict with villagers as I believe he was doing in ToS2399 (side note: he was actually far harsher on his wolfmates than he was on the other villagers, which I think is indicative of him acting differently around people he thinks he has to convince versus people whom he is just Interacting™ with. I’m not getting that this game, even if it’s not really applicable given that I’m a villager.)

The min progression this game is still… not good. I’m not going to pretend otherwise. My problem is that if I read through gorta’s ISO I can always find little things to dislike, but never a conclusive problem that I can use to shut the case on him, if that makes sense.

gorta probably has to die before LyLo unless he outright clears himself soon but
i don’t feel comfortable killing him any time soon

because like… i can always find micro-level reasons to call somebody a wolf. the problem with gorta is that i can find those everywhere in his posts but i can’t conjure them up into a macro read of him w. given that its’ sensible to diminish the importance of micro reads if you can’t find a macro reason to explain them in order to prevent confirmation bias

i think he can go either way

this is frustrating to me because i’d really like to definitively call gorta one way or another just so we can resolve the whole business with him, electra, and eli in some logical fashion
but i can’t do that yet

there are things that would call gorta either way, however
if, during his content later today, a consistent pattern of bad progression begins to develop, he’s a wolf
if his posting significantly improves later today he’s a villager

Honestly at this point

im going to ignore the mechanical bullshit

cause this is a bastard game through and through, so anything can be fucked with to an extent

also the generic list of “things which can call people’s allignment” in mafia

bold of you to assume he’ll post later

so long as i hold hope in my heart my spirit will remain indomitable

I do think both his intro posts for day 1 and today were quite towny, but progression afterwards takes a hit a bit

i dont think hes been performative, and to an extent, i dont see an agenda being pushed from his pushes, but as you said

his progression is wack af

But also there is a case of Eli vs Gorta here with the conflicting Mech info

so, that does need to be resolved

this is a bad attitude to take
there is a difference between healthy skepticism of bastard mechanics and just outright ignoring them

And yes, i realize that contradicts me saying that we shouldnt focus on mech talk

but, this is pretty conflicting mech info between the both of them

Thats true to an extent though

they shouldnt be ignored, but we cant just let mechanics affect us heavily when it comes to reading others and determining gamestate

the only thing i can think of that makes them coexist
eli investigated electra when she still didn’t have a rolecard, her getting the rolecard from gorta comes later in the night order, then she’s shot and janitored into herobrine
for some reason