[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

personally i say we leave at alone until his random isoing produces something meaningful in either direction

thinking about it more this is just a slightly weird way of expressing an actual point. i won’t make any conclusions on this but “makes weird points” will be taken into account when i get around to macroreads

(which i will do, by the way, once i’ve adjusted to my normal sleep schedule again)

well I want to see him give something a little more decisive/useful as far as our lynch goes, before EOD.
the only thing i’ve seen him add was the shadethrowing during the min v mist argument to inflame the argument, so I’m putting him as scumlean until he produces something we can use

and that’s fine
just i’d reccomend not acting on that read yet

Why is min being scum read? The ATE looks bad, but everything else seems ok in my opinion. Like they feel comfortable in thread, but maybe that’s a bad way to read min. If it is then I would put min as a null

good afternoon my fellow townies
how is everyone’s day?

when is the EoD? also I still hate cantaloupe’s posting

This is exactly the problem with democracy. It is easily manipulated, and attempts to recount and correct the votes are impeded by unknown factors.
We must not submit to this system. It’s time for a change.

when will you try to solve?

forty one posts of literally nothing

Cantaloupe is ITA target tmrw

i think thats something we all can agree on

eod is in roughly 2 hours, I think


/vote Vulgard

that unvote was probably redundant

This is a scum gorta post btw


hi sulit!

bad my sister is right next to me and she’s not playing

I’m firing her

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I made that post based on this thread alone, give me a few minutes

Good enough for me

I’m not asking anything I’m just saying you’re in your scum meta

Get boxed in
