[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


Arete has revealed themselves as The Black Knight.

Why? Would claiming youre town count for lying darkness?

Play for HonkMan


Welcome to society arete

Are you town @Arete

Of course

Interesting manuever

uh oh

Wait oh shit

did this just become Monty Python

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Wait it wasn’t a fire emblem reference?

I’m not answering what the faction on my role card is

I’m uninformed majority

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Wouldnt it just be town?

I’m still not answering that

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i could explain what i was talking about

but now im worried about lollyingdarkness

so thats a fun time

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I dont understand



you guys have outed yourselves, what do your abiltities do?

im not answering this lol

lying darkness is anti claim so it doesnt work rigth?

I think Electra is Lying Darkness

But youve already claimed?