[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

is leafia a jester
did somebody buy the jesterizer

I’m fully expecting this ITA to hit tbh

so you think the sentence “[x] is a wolf therefore [x] is a wolf” is a coherent reason to read somebody wolf
got it

I fucking do too

we saw what happend with Electra

and its giving me some dread here

Vote Count brought to you by FRUIT tm

Voted Voters Count
Leafia ArcticXI, Icibalus, Blizer 3/10
Light Whathaveidone 1/10
Cantaloupe Mistyx, 1/10
Mistyx Cantaloupe 1/10
Mot Emilia ???
Not Voting KyoDaz, clonedcheese, Amelia, Conduit, ATNoName, min, Cheeki, an_gorta_pratai, Leafia, EliThePsycho, Light

Mot, Strickland_Propane, HonkMan, SpecChat, Bobby, Oko, Eliza, prob more idc

@ me for errors or ne stuff

So now shooting at scummy players is openwolfing? Good to know. Then again, I haven’t been paying as much attention to the game as I should be. Also, do you really think a wolf would take that shot?

you spelt my name wrong nerd


No I don’t and stop shading me.


but i think you would as a wolf

and Mist is not a wolf at all from her behaviour this game

actually go read the slot before doing something like that

thank god for that

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leafia: this shot is obvious and is definitely not just against the villageriest person alive
also leafia: haha do you really think a wolf would make a shot against a player that villagery like that haha


/Vote Icibalus This is a wolf obviously. @Geyde

i’ll ask again
did somebody use the jesterizer on leafia


This is Obvwolf territory

leafia have you
read mist’s ISO

/ITA Leafia @Geyde @DatBird

Mist is clearly a member of the minority. Please explain the way that Mist has manipulated you.

did you know
that half of Mist’s ISO
is her explaining the read that cob says she hasn’t explained

I mean

its there, and actually would be a good target to use it on

but idk