[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

yes they would
i thought for a moment that this could’ve been the case, that it was a dumbass hero shot made by a villager
then i realised you did it off sheeping somebody else

Amelia, it’s time to rise up against the evildoers. Think about what you believe, not from Ici, nor Blizer, nobody except yourself. You must find your own salvation.

wild west fm darkworld

No u.

I am being pocketed :joy_cat:

I am both laughing at this, and pushing for your death at the same time

the principle behind villagers making bad hero shots is that they’re trying to understand the game by themselves and make poor choices as a result. you made your hero shot off sheeping another player. that essentially removes all the credit you get.

I can’t because I don’t exactly know who the other townies are because I’m not a wolf like you and Blizer likely are. What happened is that you saw a townie make a bad call and saw it as a chance to mislynch them.

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leafia, can we ground this a little bit

have you read my iso or just the five posts that cob picked out

If I remember right leafias meta is always being wolfy. dont think this is ai for them.

Wrong wrong and triply wrong and you know it.

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good luck with that
i never received a reason as to why she voted me so

i actually think this is somewhat villagery for leafia

it reminds me of their push on luxy in wwfm

joy moment

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Just what Cob said.

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there’s distinct differences between V!Leafia and W!Leafia


can you do that and form your own conclusion

and that is?

leafia that’s why villagers make bad shots that go against consensus
they don’t take one look at a post in which half of the sentences are cob’s detailed fantasy about how wolfy mist definitely is and not actually an explanation and think
“yeah i’m going to risk my position in thread for this”

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Starting to think you could be town. Sorry for trying to shoot you.