[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

a reminder that it is absolutely fucked that there is somebody who actually plays mafia epiphenomenally

why do people townread blizer
90% of his content is ‘ah yes this, i agree’
there’s no independent thought
does anyone know if this is AI for blizer

leafia openwolfed and dies but i don’t care whether we kill canta first
leafia was trying to retroactively justify her actions with an incontrovertibly pre-meditated response of ‘but why would a wolf do this???’
this slot dies today, or tomorrow

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also, min’s tone seems very off this game but i don’t really know how to describe it
after D1 they just seem a bit more complacent

…how do I seem smug?

I made a wallpost and I felt proud about it :frowning:

Yes you act all cool when in reality your pfp is guy tipping their fedora.

It’s a cowboy hat, thank u very M U C H

Hello idk who it is I just remembered that we are awake right now

Your vote on me is objectively scummy

ur pfp will never not make me giggle

hi do you have anything to offer

Did I go to sleep? No.
Should I have gone to sleep? Yes.
Do I have school in less than an hour and a half? Also yes.
Do I make good decisions?

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I’m an American that lives n est time zone and I go to sleep during the afternoon—>evening and stay up all night

Ah but you see
I had a 4 hour nap yesterday and that was the only sleep I’ve gotten in the past 40 hours
We’re vibing


are you in the mood to exist or are you sleepy rn

I am never in the mood to exist unless I’m around like Tro or something
As it is I actually have schoolwork to do that I’ve been procrastinating on

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not many as of now

I’ll spend the rest of the day focused on that

we got about 8 hours left, i should be on at EoD

I got to attend mandatory classes on Tuesday`s and Thursdays, so rip