[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


At least we know mot is controlled by a wolf now.

we already knew that

o wait a minute, Beast eye allows the user to attack multiple turn. Could that be why Mot could ITA x*day times?

mot was literally revealed to be a wolf when they spawned



It was confirmed informed minority actually

Oh okay.


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oh my god I didn’t know you could hold in tetris
my life has changed

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I kinda assumed mot had a 1-shot 100% ita chance but apparently not. That’s actually something good to see


not even worried about it

so like

are we actually going to ita mot or not

alright i’m just gonna

leave the alt alone for now

i think i want conduit shot via min

could also be convinced to go for arctic

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so I’ve heard conduit and gorta as options

I’m leaning towards gorta primarily because apparently someone said electras body actually matched elis rolecop?

oh I could shoot conduit too

I just wanna resolve this weird thunderdome thing tbh

Agreed. It is.

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gorta also works yeah

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Conduit, Gorta, and Arctic are all good choices I think.

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People think gortas a good choice so I’m probably going to shoot him

do we let him come back and say something? I feel bad just shooting him immediately