[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

I still want you to iso someone, remember what I said yesterday?

“Try to find a scumlean/scumread outside of the general poe”

And what’s the reason for your scumread on ATNoName?

He was actively pushing along conflicts in thread without contributing anything, and now that he’s not main PoE he’s dipped

can you quote posts regarding this?

Image updated


should we be concerned?


a hearthstone card with flamin hot cheetos
can’t be as bad as mot at least

It’s not specifically Ici’s flip I looked over your ISO and re-evaluated overnight
I’m gonna ignore your attempted dayvig because it could quite literally have been you claiming you had one and didn’t however if it’s proven you were given one I think that’s town AI too for how you handled it and revealed it

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Rereading those posts piss me off just as much as they did when I initially saw them

oh yeah

sulit hydra gets one day and then dies if their wincon isn’t modconfirmed to be the same as the flipped village ones

Alright that makes sense, thanks for answering


Toxic forumer is a faction

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I didn’t even realise that. Oh wow.

This was probably an ability of some sort?

I went up and it feels so out of place in the thread

I wanna kill AT now lul

I’m going to bed

I’ll make more stupid decisions tomorrow

Look forward to that

Kyo, can I talk to you real quick?