[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

Don’t you really like flaming hot cheetos?

Are you trying to kill me via that Hearthstone thing

it’s light who casted the spELL POG

I think your read on Conduit isn’t justified but your read on AT is justified
Your alignment prob resolves on AT’s flip

i hate that I read this in technoblade’s voice

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am i but a humble pig to you

I LOVE flaming hot cheetos.

I think we both know what I’m really saying.

I don’t

You guys cannot go a day without being cryptic

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Cheetos are American
We don’t have them in the UK

lmao L

Are you beginning to feel like a rapped god


I beg your pardon
I already am a god

light will kill kyo

not true, there are cheetos at most corner stores here

he gonna squeeze him like a boa constrictor

Not in the slightest

just a prediction
although i would not be suprised if this is ability-related