[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

sulit did

I’ve decided this is bad game to teach Grace

Wait but

Canta was a villager

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so why are we reading spews?

it got spewed by the only confirmed groupscum that most of the wolves are either LW or SK


Does this look like the lost wolf that fits your description?

Given the first passive, yes

well, that make things more complicated.

because both of the balance panel kills are crosskills.

Okay, this is interesting. Elaborate?

I don’t know much about the Balance Panel, although I remember Mist just flipped it and someone else recently

The D3 prize was a bomb and I killed Eli and Arctic (I don’t know why he visited Eli) with it. Leaving Kyo and Small_Tank.

Since nobody is claiming the kill on Small_Tank, I assume it was a crosskill.

Also Mist is an obvious crosskill.

Except by the looks of it

Mist had a sort of arsonist ability

Also technically I used a vigilante N3

But like

I aimed it at a faction that didn’t flip

The common thing with balance panel flips was that they are given chat, so it wouldn’t make any sense as to why Mist would kill Small_Tank.

But how does that make the balance panel a scum faction tho

Their wincon which was defeat all threat to balance panel.

Its the exact same wincon as Conduit.

But the common scum wincon we’ve seen is “overpower all opposition”

They might just be neighbors

But you gotta ask, who was the threat?

I don’t know what you mean by that

Look at Town wincon which is defeat all scum.

Now we got “Overpower all opposition” which look like SK

and “Defeat all threat to X” I asked that question when Conduit flipped.