[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

Pogchamp PogChamp


can’t wait for the pigeon alt

Cant wait for the Leon Alt

does anybody want to talk about what the fuck mot is or
are we going to be sensible

my boyfriend

Mot is Mot

Ici is Ici

both are sus

care to introduce yourself?

How to play this game:

Step 1: Sleep

Step 2: Sleep

Step 3: Wake up realizing the game is now night


are you aware of any other scum groups/3ps besides yours

do you have any leads on the Lying Darkness, which is probably in the game

Have you all heard of Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th Alt, who infiltrated and hides amongst us?


oh shit mot really do be typing though

~ ~ ~

Reflect only on what thou has witnessed already. Mot shall speak no more.

~ ~ ~

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Amelia Arete, Amelia 2/7
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Icibalus, Marluxion, Cantaloupe, Min, Cheeki, KyoDaz, Leafia, ATNoName, Blizer, EliThePsycho, Emilia, Clonedcheese, ElectraHeart, Mistyx, Conduit, Vulgard, Amelia, whathaveidone, Arctic, Light.

Mot, Strickland_propane, HonkMan

Why is mot in Australia

wait a second

/vote Mot

…so we kill them?

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watch our for her

something tells me you can’t vote out an alt-