[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

You get it from the Covid Stimulus checks

sounds a lot like crime to me

capitalism is flawed. the rich get richer as the poor get poorer
you may be thinking “but capitalism good because fair!!!”
no no no you dont are not understanding. let me explain
first of all, money causes corruption. greed will divide us. this cannot happen
not only that, but resources are infinitely more valuable than “money”

as such, i shall implement a new system. some of you may know this as “communism”
“OMG COMMUNISM!??!?!?!” you are thnking? calm down you do not need worry. let me explain again
by establishing this system of order, work and resouces will be equally divided among all of us, which means we shall all be satisfied
the first step to do this is to give me everything you have that is known as “currency”
nextly, you shall give me any other resources

this shall be distirbuted afterwards and continued to be controlled by me
we must unite together and establish the optimal form of society and governemtn


what spell is this


The Karl Marx spell

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we have a Marxist here ladies gents, and NB

cob can command my economy any day

We’re being given money by the government, AKA Geyde.
This is clearly an OUTRAGE and I think we should overthrow the government for such a thing.

ladies, theydies, gentlemen and gentlethem

We should run it down mid towards the capitol building

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stop this heresy

I propose everybody make a donation to my balance so then everyone’s balances are uneven
That’ll stop this ridiculousness

ah yes. you have also heard the speakings of the prophet? truly enlightened

/rob honkman


this was a serious question

i see you are eager to quickly establish the church
fear not my comrade, our time shall be soon

Hello Everyone. I am here to announce you, your first event!


At any time, you may challenge a player to the single greatest game of all time, a rock-paper-scissors duel. They can choose to accept or decline the duel. If they do, send their choice into a PM. Ties result in nothing happening. Losers will be kicked out of the event while the winner may continue challenging other players.

At end of the day, whoever is last standing wins the prize. If there are multiple players standing, RNG decides.

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thank you very much strickland propane

@Icibalus, I challenge thyself to Rock Paper Scissors!