[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

Let’s go fool, but you should know I am unbeatable and have foresight of the opponent’s choice

Cold take: this game is geyde vs all the players and we’re just getting memed

Anyways @arete fite me rps

no-eliming is bad

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what do you use paper for? writing shit. reading shit. nerd shit.

after Kyo if I beat him

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I hereby bound @Arete to a deadly game of gambling, and should they lose, they forfeit their right to live.

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Conduit beats Min



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No elim good

No elim in a mash more good

No elim in a clown fiesta


as you can see kyo i have won the moral victory and you should just sub out before you embarass yourself further

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Ill play winner kyo v arete

Arete, do you accept?

@Geyde have i won yet

Wait no
Cancel challenge

excellent. i see you are quite enlightened
we shall spread this knowledge to the masses!

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I don’t believe that you have that ability

nothing in that even says i cant challenge myself

so geyde tell me do i win or not

Does that mean you accept?