[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


why’d you like this

this sounds weird
ty that’s all from me

he does have a bomb that can kill Amelia or Conduit

something to keep in mind

vul has money???

why does vul have money and I don’t?
This is an insult to my white male privilege

I miss vulgard !!


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why does he have money, i asked that straight away
ill-gotten gains :non-potable_water:

Idk, but honk did say mafia had money


just talk about yourself in third person so you don’t have to sign your posts

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“sulit likes this idea”

okay this is kind of a wolfy popin but why the FUCK is there an emote on this forum for non-potable water okay bye

would you rather undrinkable water go unmarked? that’s true wolfiness

So it seems that Mafia (Flavour, Alighnmet, etc i guess) has money or can earn it

so, thats something to note a little bit

where the FUCK do you think i’m going to find water on this forum


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wow been here 2 years longer and doesn’t even know about the well

(sorry random person I just pinged for a joke)

(in my defense it was funny)

like what do you think if you go to post 532432 on one of the cookie threads you’ll find a watering hole and if you put a siphon into your computer screen it starts spilling out water all over your keyboard

in case you haven’t guessed it’s nearly 3am, so i’m only posting extremely relevant quality content at this hour

Don’t be silly, it’s post 39724 on the second cookie thread.

FWIW I’m not Mafia (either flavor or alignment wise) and I have money

not a lot of money but some