[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

why can’t i have a minecraft best friend huh
why does it have to be a girl friend

this is discrimination
i demand the ability to buy best friends

“Well, that’s a good point…” Light murmured. “But,” he continued, “at the same time, wouldn’t a girlfriend be nice to have?”

send me money, i’ll be your best friend

Light furtively looked around. He had heard that packs of marauding Balance Panel members had invaded the town, but until now he had never seen any sign of them. Still, the Balance Panel members weren’t the biggest threat to worry about. No, the whims of democracy were far more worrisome. Packing up his trusty vote, he headed to parliament.

in the wise words of the spice girls

if you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(gotta get with my friends)
make it last forever, friendship never ends

arete do you think the balance panel are the informed minority or


because personally i’m all in favour of balance. and of not doing what that creepy fuck mot wants.

Light glanced around, curious as to where the weird noise was from. “Am… Am I on acid? Did I take the wrong pills this morning? What the fuck was that?”

what even was that mot post? i still don’t understand what that whole section of this thread was

the confirmed wolf alt vaguely implied they were from the Balance Panel and I had to choose something to put in the sentence

also ‘packs of marauding Balance Panel members’ is a really funny phrase

okay that’s fair you get a pass

“Or, perhaps, the only evil person is Dante from Far Cry 2…” Light spoke to himself, not minding the obvious character break.

okay, this is annoying and gimicky and i hate it

but you’re committed, you can’t stop now

gimmickposting is >rand v if its’ dropped early, >rand w if its’ kept up

that’s the exact opposite of what was said in Umineko :^)
Then again, I think like every alt there was wolf sooooooo

Marshal’s alternate persona and fursona, as well as Mist

literally the opposite of my experience