[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

On second thoughts I think Emilia is townier than they were at post 1300 (I am at 1400 now) and expect me to make less reads and focus more on the people I know how to read

Also I’m sure ici is town, my concern there wasn’t with Ici. Originally I was asking why icis take was like completely different from mine

But we were talking about a different post, alas



like why does the one mindmeld from ici outweigh your earlier scumread

My earlier scumread was before I actually tried. Like legit I was just popping in to be funny having read like single digit posts.

I’m still only caught up to like post 500 but I’ll keep the Wallpost train going once I get back home to pc

I’m attempting to change my playstyle to try to improve results. My current playstyle just gets me lynched day 2 or leads to me mislynching, only rarely being right on scum. If this produces results in a game as big and as memey as this I’ll start to take this playstyle more seriously.

alright then

actually i give up wallposting is hard

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at least until lylo

Alright two things

one, Marl is a townlean to me. i know that he said he his changing his approach to games, but i feel like his tone here compared to Joat13 feels vastly different, and its much more towny and his posts dont really reek with agenda from what i see.

Secondly, i read Min in vall-halla, and their tone there compared to here also is vastly different, as in vall-halla min looked much more comfortable, and her progression with threadstate, emotions and reads felt more natural in that game than compared to here. There was a mix of fluff and some reads made, while being attentive to game state and it bundled decently well into nice progression, while here as soon as mist put min in their lynch list, min got super defenseive, and the fluffy and NAI tone was instantly replaced into one thats much more sharper voliatile.

Min is most likely my lynch of the day, but keeping vote on cob atm for placeholder

maybe it’s this game or maybe it’s my brain but trying to wallpost when 90% of the posts are one liners makes me wanna die

canteloupe is probably a jester

Speaking of jesters, why not buy my catgirl 1-shot jesterizer?!

no he is just always like this

does he continue acting like this in later days or does he actually play the game


usually like one random case out of nowhere then 10 more posts of “hello fellow townies”



cob is not merely a fm player, he’s also an experience
