[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

Honestly, i do read Vul as null-wolf with his behaviour and approach to the game and his tone, but he did state pre-game how he wasnt gonna take this game seriously, or something along those lines, so im kinda conflicted on the slot, where i feel more confident on min, and honestly even ATno imo

emilia was literally already on min earlier what

what i was trying to do is a mysterious thing called “analysis”, which is quite an advanced concept so you’ll have to stick with me here


Ici …

I just wanted to know if you’re scum :point_right: :point_left:

Get back to me anytime! <3



I started the min wagon I just went back

Not Vul, Gorta or Arctic = Not Poggers

ah, i see, missed that

okay so
imagine this
somebody’s posted something, right
so what you do is
you figure out what the thing they posted could mean
and make a hypothesis that you find convincing

I thought mist started the min wagon, but i degress.

i am not obliged to ask you questions at every stage. i am merely obliged to solve your allignment and kill you if you are a wolf.

No, but you use questions to get a feel for certain things and if you have questions about my progression just ask me instead of saying my progression “looks like something out of wolfchat”

mooooooom ici’s monologuing again


what questions am i supposed to have

i was literally just saying that the posts sounded like you were badly conforming to a script made in wolfchat to me, what questions am i supposed to ask you

ask me about my thought process, ask me to expand upon said read, and ect…

Gorta, i dont think ici is shading you here at all if im gonna be honest. Hes pointed out his thought progression and why he thinks you could be a potential wolf in regards to how you could have progressed your read on min

would you have preferred it if i’d asked if you’d copied the posts from wolfchat in a sarcastic tone? would that satisfy you, mister gorta?

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This was an interesting post but marls claim after seeing these again make…actually alot of sense.

Again, I have no problem believing this (also the mass amount of fluff leads me to believe that marl is at the least not an imposter but marl himself)

The self awareness is a big funny

I didn’t want people to look at my post and think that. It was something that I just said solely off of gut at the time because there weren’t even 100 posts yet. I didn’t expect people to actually take it seriously.

I actually really like this (I liked the start of your wall, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to comment that atm when it’s kinda focused on me) anyway, i can actually see your thought process while making this and it’s actually nice

I disagree with this but I still how you’d believe this

I actually agree with this, again, and I like the rest of the wall.

You actually seriously thought well and it was nice that you quickly changed from meming to giving out serious information so people could know from you

I really felt this bruh

Is this take true or a meme

Sure. I do think vul is a wolf as well, but I’m fine with either one dying.

no pls

This is the post I’m talking about. I’m honestly gonna believe you due to complicatedness of things, but also because you’ve previously talked about it and this matches up pretty well with it. Same with the post that talks about your wincon.

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you’d literally already answered those questions
i was commenting upon your actions

this isn’t how this works, if someone accuses you of something you respond how you can.
not every accusation is just meaningless ‘shadethrowing’, most provide useful info, ie how you are reacting now