[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

I do agree that the hydra slot`s presence has died

Something to note of yesterday is their behaviour around the Vul wagon, and how both the hydra and Vul called me and Arete Wolves, and then tried to distance from Vulgard a bit, and then defending Vul`s slot and then joined onto the Gorta wagon that blew up a bit near EoD last day

I think this slot looks bad, and i can see it being a wolf partner with Vul with their behaviour surronding Vul`s slot yesterday

what tag is used here

Expect ita results and VC in like 30 mins when I get on my PC. Sorry for the delay

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hate to sheep this but

these are good points, sulit hydra is Trending Downards™

That’s a cult leader flip? It was hard to tell.

why did you vote me


Tell me how only one ability

is an nk flip

During Day 1, Mist suggested that we(the people) should quickhammer cantaloupe(me).

They added,

Although the first post seems like a joke, Mist acknowledges that it was worded casually, but insists that it was a plausible plan. This proves that Mist’s viewpoints are biased and originally planned to play against cantaloupe(me). Mist is attempting to eliminate cantaloupe(me) because they want to undermine influential players and take control of the game, as they did with Arete by killing them.
They do not express further pressure to lynch cantaloupe(me) until this post:

Although they included my name in the list of players they suspect, they did not add any reasoning for it, neither prior nor after this post. It is likely they intentionally avoided doing so as to prevent their argument from being criticized.
Mist continues the idea of celebrating after my elimination, evident in this post:

This further supports the idea that Mist is not striving to assist the town in ridding of evildoer, but rather advocating for an accomplishment of a personal goal.
Other posts, such as this and this also include some instance where they are still attempting to have cantaloupe(me) killed.
In fact, they went as far as to shoot at cantaloupe(me).

Despite not explaining any reasoning, they attempted to ITA cantaloupe(me).

In conclusion, Mist has been attempting to eliminate cantaloupe(me) since the game started without any reasoning. They have chosen to do this because I would be a highly influential player that would lead the thread. They have strong opinions and “reads” against me, but has not posted any reasoning nor evidence to support their claims.

As such, I declare that Mist is a member of the minority. They must be eliminated.
/vote Mist

Would anyone object to me shooting Arctic with an ITA?


/vote Cantaloupe

i have determined that if we don’t kill this man now we will be stuck with him for the rest of the game
this must be prevented at all costs

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if leafia does ITA me can someone find out why she actually voted me because i’m genuinely interested now

i have absolutely no strong opinions except that the fact he had to be yelled at before he went into his weird trust tell meta makes him more likely to be a wolf, which is admittedly a take that i stole from mist’s house in the middle of the night yesterday, but still

however part of deciding who to kill is
not letting slots that are 100% just going to be a liability go to LyLo

I’m scumreading you. Can’t remember why though. I think Cantelope could be right though so /Ita Mist @Geyde

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lmao what

wtf is this

what the actual fuck

The thing is

i would rather solve Gorta/Eli first

but because of that ITA kill from Cantaloupe

it adds another wrench here if he actually has an ITA janitor ability of somesort