[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


Cob liking all your posts is the slot egging you on tbh

What makes you so certain that it wasn’t serious?

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because, leafia
i’ve seen mist express that exact joke to me in private
and it was a joke back then too

Although this would be true, they continued with the idea throughout Day 1, and even in Day 2.

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i had ptsd from that jesus christ

the idea of killing you? yes.
i won’t make any illusions, mist doesn’t like the way you play. what with the whole “never taking the game seriously” thing biasing them against you.

mist can you please explain patiently to these people what a joke is
i don’t have the patience to deal with both leafia and cob simultaneously

dude my heart rate just spiked

i thought this was gonna be wwfm all over again

See? This is why I took the shot. If it was truly a joke, Mist wouldn’t have kept up longer than an hour or so.

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  1. a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.

my god leafia

I know what a joke is Amelia.

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the idea of quickhammering cob before he posted was the joke
not the idea of killing cob in general

I’m hilarious I know

this yes

I also know that scum have already started pushing me.

oh my god leafia
you took a potshot at the villageriest slot in the game
you do not have the right to make sweeping statements like this right now

So? If they were town, why would they have wanted Cob dead so badly?

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because he’s a useless slot who memes constantly and is >rand w

I can’t possibly figure this out

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