[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

also, i’m compelled to talk at length about pokemon movies

would anyone potentially be interested in this discussion

fair warning that the answer i get probably does not matter

does this anything to do with emilia… what’s the phrase… popping open an edibile with the boys and summoning medusa using weed

i mean

i only had that thought because of the image posted alongside it

so not in any substantial sense, yes

that’s the phrase that all the hip kids use right

wait i forgot light was in this game

nvm we’re not having this discussion

excuse me?


the playerlist number went down

also @Arctic could you link me some town/scum games that aren’t pokemon 9p because I’m not so sure about your slot as of now

i just noticed that what the fck

give me 30 minutes to eat some breakfast


As of right now

Emilia is dead, and is flipless, and we need to get the antidote to save her

Anyone with 70$, you better fucking buy that antidote



can we get a list of all confirmed scum roles so far?

we got mot controller, a medusa… who else?

@Arctic I won’t say you not being super solvey is super town or wolf AI until I see some of your other games. I suppose I did see a joke that pinged me as odd, but again I want to be a bit more sure about your slot


Conduit Straight died in thread presence

I know everyone wants Cob dead

My Urge to turn the wagon on Conduit is growing right now

also I do have another take that I have expressed (I think it was light who brought this up), but I have said that cob’s no elim thing seems forced after Arete brought it up


that is one of the main reasons why we want Cob dead


gorta you’ve been in every game i’ve played except for one :joy_cat:

I’m thinking there are 4 more scums since we have a dead CL, a lot of ITAs and alts.

We have Mot controller, a janitor (ITA or just a janitor), and a medusa as well as a faction kill (most likely). We don’t know any other scum role.