[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

Leaping to conclusions is never good.

I honestly don’t like the effort to try and get checked.

Why not? Of course a townie in my position would want to be checked.

Vote Count brought to you by FRUIT :tm:

Voted Voters Count
cantaloupe ATNoName, Icibalus, Blizer, Leafia, Cheeki, Gorta 6/9
Leafia ArcticXI, EliThePsycho 2/9
Light whathaveidone 1/9
Mistyx cantaloupe 1/9
Mot Emilia ???
Conduit Mistyx 1/9
Not Voting KyoDaz, clonedcheese, Amelia, Conduit, min, Light

Mot, Strickland_Propane, HonkMan, SpecChat, okothiefofcrowns, Eliza, Banana

Ping me for errors


The time for ascension quickly approaches. All of you must know, God has not yet abandoned you. Perhaps you might find salvation through your own ways.
Do not allow doers of evil to take over, you must prevent it at all costs!

Does a towny need to get checked to survive? No, so this focus on getting checked green in a bastard game is suspicious from my PoV

If you have any empowerment abilities would you mind using them on me

Give me all of your money canta

Ah, I am but in my Elkish form.

oh yes I completely forgot

Wrong. A townie as sus as I am does need to get checked to survive. Because if no one checks me, scum will easily be able to mislynch me tomorrow. I don’t like how much shade you’re throwing on me right now either.

I forgot, is Leafia always this performative?

You’re literally saying that just because I want to live that I’m scummy.

anyway, I’m taking a quick break from the thread

Followers of faith, let my death serve as a message to the people. The eternal god shall closely observe the people. Let the mortal shell die, yet the Faith survives.

i’m at sand

this is a good EoD guys

The masses scream and they shout, “THE MELON SHALL DIE!” May god be with you, from day until night. Confusion and panic, it spreads through the crowd. “CONSENSUS!” They say, certain of votes.
And yet, nothing is said, silent in hopes.

Heretics speak, “CANTA IS SCUM!” And so it may be, death to the one that should lead.

thank you canta
may your soul rest in peace
just kidding
burn in hell