[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]



Updates to the shop:

Item Effect Price
banana 1-shot roleblocker 10$
glock-18 gun 70$
mysterious magic mushroom Inflict two random status effects on consumption 10$
belle delphine’s bath water 1-shot summon NPC 30$
butter grants 5% ita dodge 30$
ray gun 1-shot alien 60$
binoculars 1-shot tracker 25$
tess ardent’s autobiography 1-shot UBackup $50
taser 1-shot commuter 40$
magnifying glass 1-shot motion detector 5$
boogie bomb 1-shot groove 10$
toilet paper 2-shot louderizer 10$
fursuit 1-shot bulletsponge 20$
rapier allows user to bypass bulletproof effects with their kills 30$
atomic bomb 1-shot pgoizer (usable alongside other abilities) 150$
pocket knife Causes manipulative / killing abilities to have a chance of bleeding the target 20$
marijuana Causes strange effects to take place 5$
g fuel 1-shot strongman 50$
camera 1-shot post collector 50$
health potion 1-shot doctor 20$
strength potion 1-shot steroid 30$
poison potion 1-shot weakener 30$
catgirl 1-shot jesterizer 100$
pigeon 1-shot conditional fullcop 20$
diary enables logs 30$
cyanide 1-shot duplicator 50$
minecraft girlfriend increases vote power by 1 permanently. Gain immunity to roleblocks 50$
bottle of tequila Bowser Revolution 100$
lighter 1-shot detonate 50$
screwdriver 1-shot ninjaizer 20$
smoke grenade 1-shot isolator 50$
chick-fil-a Gain the power of food 10$
treasure map The Map to the Golden Monke is open 100$
Oko’s password oko’s password 60$
Eliza’s password eliza’s password 40$
Bobby’s Purse I DON’T KNOW YOU 10$
Antidote cures emilia 70$
Deck of many things Don’t draw from this unless you’re insane 50$

A new item, the deck of many things, has been added to the shop

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okay first of all rude

imagine having money lo


it’s worth mentioning that no one died to belle yesterday

i think emila was the one who died

belle delphine was merely an intimidation strategy to coerce you all into giving me your money

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emilia got turned to stone tho

and iirc that was before EoD

ok that checks out

oh wait i scrolled up and you were supposed to do some antidote thing lol

ok now it’s pewpew time



/shoot Mot


well that was disappointing

what specifically does your IC reveal

i remember when i said i wouldn’t believe a scum IC exists

then cob happened (even though he’s not actually scum but the reveal is)

A spell has been cast

These ICs are all entirely bullshit
I told ya’ll mafia probably wasn’t even scum