[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]

i would like to kill in cheeki/min/atno today
atno not being aligned with ici means nothing since it’s multiball and he’s been acting objectively the scummiest but something feels off about this

who do you want to kill then

also, even though kyo’s reasoning and development on his shot at ici is pretty bad i kind of believe him for pointing out what honkman said
this could just as easily be an excuse for him being a different scumfaction and copping ici but ehhhh

oh also going back to cheeki’s weirdchamp read on ici at SoD1 i find it unlikely these two are aligned

literally what i’ve been saying this entire time

i forgot amelia was in the game
has this slot done anything

i don’t like amelia encouraging people to waste their shots on mot
like i can get why you might think it’s just 1 shot-BP but this just seems a bit placatory

there has also not been any independent thought in terms of reads from this slot and just sheeping the general consensus
again i don’t know how AI this is for amelia and i doubt i’ll get an answer since i never got one for blizer

what is this derpclear attempt
i’ve definitely said before that mot was revealed as informed minority and this happened like at the start of the game

the reasoning why this slot is likely to be a survivor like they claim because they really haven’t been paying attention to the thread probably outweighs why this slot isn’t likely to be a survivor due to them randomly coming into the thread without reading and shot the most universally townread slot based on a bullshit read from cob
so i can let this live for now but like

this emote combined with the shot on conduit that made no sense was clearly an attempt to frame him and i’m not sure why nobody picked up on this by now

honkman never lies
so we should kill min next

why do you recognise that you have been wrong about everything yet you’re still aggressively pushing your PoE
sorry but this town needs a new leader aka me /s

oh right, you forgot that the informed minority isn’t just town because it’s not in your rolecard, got it


okay even though i was believing kyo when i skimread reading this actually just makes me cringe
how do you know all mist has done is push uninformed majority when half of her pushes haven’t even flipped yet
this post stinks

why do you townread any of these people

it’s weird because
i believe kyo’s reasoning for shooting icibalus but everything else he’s done today is awful

you already said earlier you had no mech info on the icibalus shot
so which one is it?

once again
no independent thought, more sheeping - i really need to know how AI this is for amelia

thank you mr hindsight
why did you not say this at SoD then
or do something about it generally

it makes no sense for a survivor to do it either though
since mist flipping town would probably have just ended up in you dying

weirdchamp flavour solving even though this has no value since it’s basically established that your flavour/role colour isn’t related to wincon at this point

atno and small_tank need to stop talking about mech and Do Something Useful :tm:

after reading everything again i kind of want to kill in min/amelia/kyo

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yes i’m a keyboard monke warrior
i have nothing better to do

Going to have to hard veto a Kyo kill. What are your thoughts on ATNoName, Leafia after relevant flips, gorta, and Eli?

honestly leafia has been acting like a 3p and the accusations towards everyone including mist (who i think is town) and icibalus (who was scum) would heavily indicate this is the case
so i’m willing to believe leafia really is a survivor, for now

i still think gorta is town because i just don’t see him making this up, regardless of the electra flip
i think both eli and gorta are town here and there’s just been another party involved fucking with the flip (i.e specchat)

atno looks better from the ici flip but it’s multiball so this means nothing
i want to kill this slot for contributing nothing other than mech talk

actually i don’t really have a read on eli at all but i still think it’s a 3p involved
the most worrying thing about eli is that he doesn’t seem to have been pursuing this conflict with gorta that much like he’s trying to avoid it since flipping gorta town would probably result in him getting killed next
unless he’s also sharing my idea that it’s someone else entirely and just hasn’t said this, which i would find to be odd

You’re a bit behind, Leafia already claimed 3p

…yes i know, i’ve read the new posts twice now

i’m considering whether or not i believe it

JoJo Part 7 on MC is good reason why we shouldn’t just let neutral claims run unchecked, although I agree it is plausible and logical.

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thinks about mafia odd parity cop with target decided by host with no neutrals in game

Thinks about modkill into tie

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Arctic should finally learn to read games. :tm:

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eevee i have read your 30 message ISO and there is not a single thing other than mech-talk

you can’t make this shit up

reading is for nerds